Monday, January 19, 2009

My first nurse's appointment: 1/14

Matt was so sweet to go with me to this. It was nothing, really. Their nurse is only in on Wednesdays, so they got us in as soon as they could to get my and Matt’s medical histories, go over some do’s and don’ts, tell me I REALLY ought to get a flu shot, and REALLY need to start exercising a little bit. (They asked whether I currently exercise and I said no. They said I need to exercise because at my height and weight, I should gain 30 pounds or fewer, and what I do gain will be hard to lose, so it helps if I do something mild to moderate three times a week, that won’t raise my core body temperature too much.)

Then they took urine and blood samples. The latter part took two nurses, one less sweater (thank goodness for the camisoles Mom got me!), a cold rag, some juice, a granola bar, and a good ten minutes. But one of the staff (I didn’t realize she’s not a nurse) remembered me from last time and made sure I had a place to lay down, and she did most of the work. They had a hard time finding a vein that works (they tied me up and tapped in three places before deciding where they MIGHT get blood), and then for whatever reason, it just doesn’t come OUT very well. So once they get in, they sit there for a long while waiting for it to trickle out. But my lady is the nicest thing ever, gentle and patient and sweet. I only have to do that part three or four more times. THANK GOD!

We see the doctor next Thursday. I can’t wait!! I really hope they do the Doppler so I can see a heartbeat. I just want PROOF that there is something living in there!

BTW, they loved Matt. Of course. When I was getting my blood drawn, they put him in the waiting room and when I started getting pale, they told me to think of that wonderful husband I had. How cute??

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