Sunday, December 21, 2008

Diana: Her True Story

I read this one to pass some time and get it off of my bookshelf, so I could pass it along to my grandmother. The book was entertaining enough, but there is an immature, self-pitying tone that likely (I'm too lazy to do the math) is due in part to her being younger than me when the book was originally published. (She had cooperated with the author.)

On the last page of the book, the author had summarized Diana as "fearless yet frail, unloved but adored, needy but generous, self-obsessed yet selfless, inspirational yet dispairing, demanding of advice but disliking criticism, honest yet disingenuous, intuitive yet unworldly, supremely sophisticated yet constantly uncertain, and manipulative but naive."

This being a commemorative edition, I'll assume it does little justice to her as she was in her late thirties, when she died.

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